Ahhh! Happy March 1st!

In business, love, life and health my favourite happening is my WHY. As Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why, writes: “WHY is the thing that inspires us …”

Yep. Exactly. Why have I decided to go meatless? Why would I even consider bringing a meatless lifestyle choice to you? Why create more work for my daily life? Well, my friend, I've been inspired. Inspired by living an audacious life. Inspired to glow head to toe, truly and from the inside.




I know if I am feeling exhausted and busy, your successful self is feeling the exact same way, if not, beyond!

Eating any food takes energy. Precious energy, we must honour and respect.

Ingesting nutrient-dense food takes massive amounts of umph to digest. When it comes to meat is tres tres tricky to digest. In order to break meat down, our body must produce crazy amounts of acid. In fact, to digest ANY eats, our body must produce hydrochloric acid - yes … But why not feed your body with easier, whollier, stressless foods to help fight the aging process and to leave you with more energy for success VS basic survival.


LOVE NOTE: Hydrochloric acid [HCl] is insanely important for digestion and act as a barrier against infection. HCl is responsible for breaking down protein. Once hydrochloric acid is used by our guts, it is released from the stomach and neutralized.


So naturally, HCl is awesome. But just like anything in life, too much awesome can cause unhealthy imbalances. Without intentionally bullying meat, I am choosing to let go of my animal protein dependance to help balance out the other awesome things in life I over-indulge in like love, work, and late nights/pre-sunrise mornings.

Stress [environmentally and digestively] + the increased acidity to digest our meaty meal =


Stiff joints

Acid Reflux


Increased risk of crummy cancer

Increased risk of heart disease


So after my 100th battle of self talk “to-botox or not-to-botox” [yes seriously, I really really have to talk myself out of it some days] I am going to challenge my skin to a meatless month and in addition to monitoring my energy levels, I am going to also do a wrinkle count!

I don’t know about you but wrinkle free skin would be enough for me to go meatless for life!

I love my laugh lines :))))) Just wouldn't mind a little more laugh n' a little less lines :)))) 

One of my biggest, “Ok Jillian you are smarter than what you’re eating right now” moments = The knowledge and scientific fact that animal protein does not contain fiber. Fiber provides us with a wickedly clean digestive tract, stabilizes our blood sugar levels, decreases cravings, and moves along the movement of bowels smoothly and efficiently. Instead of feeding our body with fuel and energy, fiber-less meat puts stress into high gear and forces our pH level into acid-ville, population YOU!

Obvi, as a current meat-eater, I am not blind to the benefits of eating animal protein when it comes to workouts, quick meals, bulk cooking, family dining, restaurant choices, cheat meals on a pretzel bun, and low-caloric intake - But I am up for an anit-aging and roof raising, energizing challenge.

I am SO looking forward to feeling energized, sharing my Meatless March with you, and quite frankly … I am jacked for a wrinkle free face and ass! [Enter monkey-covering-eyes emoji now :)]

Happy Meatless March, handsomes and beauty's!


#meatlessmarch #makelovetoyourbody #maklovetoyourlife

Mrs. Soupy


PS. Here are the two recipes I started with for Day 1 of our #meatlessmarch

 Pot Of Gold [minus the chicken] and Sweet Potato Bowl Of Sweetness 

So easy and seriously taste-bud-tickling status!